Japan version


  • Services

    • MITSUEFU EAST LINE CO., Ltd. is Japanese export company, which provides services for the selection, acquisition and delivery of cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles and special vehicles from auctions in Japan.
    • One of our services - the purchase and delivery to customers of various goods from Japanese auction - Yahoo! JAPAN. We are a company that offers its customers the opportunity to purchase any lots. The wheels, alloy wheels, body parts, body kits, household goods, watches, accessories, clothing, the leading brands and much more - you can buy all, using our services.
    • Carries out negotiations with sellers, auction stores and shops in Japan.
      • Organizes payment of goods to the sellers.
      • Manages the delivery of goods to office.
      • Upon request, repack or pack the goods.
      • Provides shipment of goods to the required address .

  • Enquiries

    Tel: +8190-4597-9795

    Email: mitsuefu@eastlinejp.com